Tell Good Stories

Type : Physical installation

Tools:  OpenFrameWorks, Arduino

Material: PLA, plywood, acrylic, aluminium strut, stepper motor, peristaltic pump, motor driver

Computer vision-powered installation with perpetual loop of dripping and cleaning

"Tell Good Stories" is an interactive physical installation that incorporates computer vision technology. The installation centres around a perpetual cycle of dripping and cleaning. It consists of three primary components: the statue, a black box, and a set of mops. The statue is situated on top of the black box, from which blood continuously drips onto the ground at random locations. Whenever the computer vision system detects the presence of blood, it triggers the mops to move towards the affected area and clean it up. This dynamic interaction between the dripping blood and cleaning, captivating viewers with its ever-evolving narrative.

The statue in the installation symbolises a self-righteous authority, the ongoing loop between the dripping blood and the cleaning process represents their efforts to conceal their evil actions and maintain an illusion of righteous.