Is that me?

Type : Immersive performance

Material: Unity, vive tracker, MaxMSP, screens, speakers

Performaned at THIN AIR Exhibition at The Beams in London in 2023
Realtime motion capture and audiovisual performance

This performance, titled "Is that me?", was collaboratively developed and performed by three artists over a three-month artist residency at THIN AIR Exhibition at The Beams in London in 2023. Drawing inspiration from observing human interactions with screens and self-reflection in our daily lives with phones, the performance explores the intricate dynamics between technology, narcissism, and our sense of self through choreography.

The ten-minute performance involves two performers and one sound artist utilizing live motion capture and generative sound. It incorporates elements of performance, audio, and visuals. By integrating Steam Vive trackers, the performers are able to control real-time graphics and soundscapes through interaction, but they also find themselves being controlled by these technologies.

Through this act, the performance illustrates and questions scenarios that reflect our everyday lives and relation with light, screens, cameras,  expanding the artists' imaginative reflection on the interaction between the human body and technology.